Investor FAQs

Casella provides integrated solid waste, recycling, and resource management services in the eastern United States.


Investor FAQs

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When did Casella Waste Systems go public and at what price?
Casella Waste Systems went public on October 29, 1997 at an IPO price of $18.00 per share.
Where is Casella Waste Systems stock traded?
Casella Waste Systems is listed on the NASDAQ Global Select Market under the symbol CWST.
What is Casella Waste System's fiscal year?
The Company's fiscal year begins on January 1 and ends on December 31.

By quarter:

First Quarter: January 1 to March 31
Second Quarter: April 1 to June 30
Third Quarter: July 1 to September 30
Fourth Quarter: October 1 to Dcember 31
How can I get a copy of your financial statements, such as the Annual Report, Form 10-K, or Form 10-Q?
You may access these documents on this website. See the SEC Filings and the Annual Report & proxy pages.
How can I purchase Casella Waste System's stock?
To purchase CWST stock, please consult the stockbroker or stock purchase service of your choice. Casella Waste Systems does not offer a direct purchase plan.
Who is Casella Waste Systems' transfer agent and how do I contact them?
P.O. Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940-3006
Shareholder Inquiries: 877-373-6374
Does Casella Waste Systems pay a cash dividend?
At this time, the company does not pay a cash dividend.
Has Casella Waste Systems had any stock splits?
Casella Waste Systems has not had any stock splits since going public.
Who are the financial analysts that follow Casella Waste Systems?
Please go to the Analyst Coverage section for a listing of the firms and analysts that cover Casella.
Who are Casella Waste Systems' Independent Auditors?
80 City Square
Boston, MA 02129
Who can I contact about specific investor relations issues?
If you are unable to find the information you are looking for about Casella on this website, please feel free to contact:

Charlie Wohlhuter
Director of Investor Relations
Casella Waste Systems, inc.
25 Greens Hill Lane
Rutland, VT 05701